Monday, April 6, 2015

Official First Day on Shred It!

I am starting my new challenge today. Goal: to lose ten pounds in ten weeks. Means: whole foods plant-based diet, no added fats, reduced sugars, exercise six days a week, varying. I have been doing cardio on an empty stomach to accelerate fat-burning. In the last couple of weeks I have been working up to this day and I'm ready. I have already lost 4.5 pounds, but those don't count for this new challenge. They just prove to me that I'm on the right track.

Still curious about what happens to those carbs we eat after doing cardio on an empty stomach. Will keep you posted.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Another Beginning: Shred It!

I knew when I started this blog that I needed a real plan. I didn't have a good one. I am now thinking I will be able to sneak up on one.

That's because I purchased Robert Cheeke's new book, Shred It!, and have been reading it. Cheeke is a bodybuilder, a vegan bodybuilder. He has taken many titles over the years. But that isn't enough of a reason to follow his advice. The reason is that he has just recently - in 2012 - become aware of a different nutritional approach. He now follows the work of Colin Campbell, John McDougall, Caldwell Esselstyn and others, has completed courses in plant-based nutrition, and has therefore stopped consuming huge amounts of protein. No need for protein shakes or concentrated protein in general. I have long felt that bodybuilder's emphasis on high protein consumption was wrongheaded, and now he confirms it in spades.

In addition to changing his recommendations for nutrition, Cheeke offers different approaches to workouts as well, based on what he has learned about the science of nutrition.

Among other things, he mentions a good way to shed fat. It is a way many bodybuilders use, but I didn't understand its basis before. I did know that carbohydrates are the body's quick fuel, but I didn't put this together before. If you do cardio work on an empty stomach your body will not have the carbs it wants for fuel. It will then turn to fat. So it's good to do workouts early in the day, before eating breakfast, or a couple of hours after eating.

I have been doing this lately, for the past few days. I have found that because I am thinking about my next workout I pay attention to when I eat. I don't keep gulping down food, however healthy it may be. I am thus not eating as much as I was before. A side effect is that I am doing more. Not a lot more, but more. Instead of heading for the fridge I might work on my taxes, for example, or even clean the bathroom.

My daughter Mary and I have started a new group on Facebook, called Shred It!, just for people following this book. We hope to encourage others and get encouragement from others, and to share our experiences. We welcome new members - but you do have to request membership. The facebook url is . Have a look!